It's too bad the spammers are out to piss all over the public commons. Since I've started writing more regularly here, I've been getting inundated with pingbacks and trackbacks, and have to keep marking them as spam, a couple dozen a day. Don't have time to do this, so I've just turned this off... I appreciate any links you'd like to make to here, but please fill out a comment if you'd like to continue the discussion so I'm aware of your post.

I used to use Akismet to filter out comment spam, but spammers now seem to make each post unique enough that that became ineffective--I would still get dozens of comments to moderate every day. So then I switched to the system you can see on any of my posts--which has been working great for comments, but it doesn't attempt to deal with all the automated trackpacks/pingbacks.

So here we are, back to comments only. Please leave one, or drop me an email here if you'd like to discuss anything I'm writing about, and are not just another spammer...

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