Bug tracker

Category:Customer Help
Freelock uses a bug tracking system called Mantis for larger custom projects, to keep track of individual issues with particular projects. Our bug tracker is at https://shuksan.freelock.com/bugs. If we're using it for your project, you should have received login credentials from the site. You can have the system send you a new password if you haven't received the login info. Also check your spam quarantine if you don't see them.

Here's how to use it most effectively:


Log in/My View

On the login screen, you can have your computer remember your login so you don't need to retype it (unless you clear your browser cookies).

The first screen to look at when you enter the system is the "My View" page. The links for different pages go across the top of the site.

My View provides a list of open bugs of various types: bugs assigned to you, bugs you've reported, bugs you're monitoring, and bugs that have been recently modified. From this view, you can go into any bug and make changes or read notes. This is meant to give you an overview of the site.

Bug number

Each bug has a number. You can get to a specific bug by typing the number in the box next to the "Jump" button, and clicking Jump.

Bug status

When you create a bug, it has a status of "New". This generally means nobody has reviewed it yet.

Once we've reviewed your bug, we generally assign it to someone on our team, and the bug will be "assigned". That means it's on their task list.

If whoever is addressing the bug doesn't have enough information to resolve it, or can't reproduce it, they will request feedback and assign it back to you.

Once we've fixed the issue, we mark the bug as "resolved." This means we've fixed it in our development environment. It may not show up in your production site until we've done an update.

It's up to the original reporter of the bug to "close" it, when it's fixed to your satisfaction, published, and verified.


If a bug is assigned to you, you'll get notified of it by email. If you create a bug, you'll get an email every time there's an action on it. Sometimes particular bugs need information or action from several people--in these cases, we will send a reminder to everyone necessary, and from that point on you should get notified of any further changes to the bug--you will be "monitoring" the bug.

Specific tasks

Here's how to use the system.

Report a bug

When you're logged in, click the "Report Issue" link. Often we will have divided your project into different areas: code, content, web design, or specific sub-sites. Choose the appropriate category in the drop down list.

Use Severity to identify how critical this issue is--if this is preventing your already-launched site from being used, set this to "Block". If this is a request for new functionality, set it to "Feature". Otherwise, choose a severity that is appropriate--most often the default "minor" is best, but you can use this field to prioritize a particular issue.

You can also use "Priority" to do this, but this doesn't show up on our views as well as severity.

For the summary, try to identify the core problem and give it a specific name.

In the Description, clarify what the problem is, and give us specific steps to see the problem--the more detail you can provide here, the more easily we can identify and fix the problem.

In the Additional Information, provide any more info that is relevant to the problem.

When you're done, click the "Submit Report" button to create the bug!

Respond to a request for feedback

This is the trickiest step. The right person does not always get notified when you answer. So here's how to do it correctly:
  1. Open the bug (follow the link you received in the email, for the quickest way).
  2. Scroll down to read the notes, figure out your response.
  3. Back at the top of the page, underneath the first block of bug summary details, you'll see a "Change Status" button. Next to this button, change the drop-down to "Assigned", and click the "Change Status" button.
  4. Now you'll see a box to type your feedback. Write your response, and change the "Assigned to" box to whoever asked for the feedback (read the notes if you're not sure). Click "Assign issue" when you're done.

That's it! The system will add your feedback to the bug and assign it back to the person responsible for fixing it. If they're still not clear, they may request feedback again, or call for more information.

If you have screenshots or other files that are related to the problem, you can also upload them here.

Review a resolved bug

Once we've resolved a bug you created, you'll get an email saying so. For most projects, this means it's fixed on our development instance. We probably have a plan worked out for you on when we update a production or test instance--if you'd like it pushed out immediately, email/call our project lead for your project.

Once you've verified that the issue is resolved, and the fix has been deployed as appropriate, it's time to close the bug:

  1. Open the bug
  2. Verify that the status listed next to "Change status to:" is "Closed," and click "Change Status To:".
  3. Add a note if you like, and click "Close Issue."

See the status of all reported bugs

For many projects, we create bugs to track feedback we've gotten from you or through other sources. You can view all open (non-closed) bugs by following the "View Issues" link. This view can be sorted by clicking on any of the column headers, and you can shorten the view by searching for words or using any of the "filters" at the top of the page. Click on the id to view any specific bug...

Subscribe to a bug

If you want to get notified of any action on a particular bug, open it and click the "Monitor Issue" button below the bug summary.

If you want to stop getting notified of changes, this button changes to "End Monitoring".

Add more info to a bug

If you have more info and want to add it to the bug, go to the bug, and scroll down the page to the Add Note section, type your message and click "Add Note."

If you have a screenshot or file to add to a bug, go to the Upload Files section (above the Add Note section) and click Browse to find the file on your hard drive. Click "Upload File" when you've found it.