When you’re planning your upcoming convention or conference, one of the many items to consider is your web site. It’s important to have a quality site that all team members can access, update content on and manage. You also need a web site that attendees can access to get all the details they need, from registration to class schedules, seating charts to directories.
We work with great events and conventions across the country. Check out more information about the Northwest Wall & Ceiling Industries Convention & Tradeshow site we built for 2013. You can also check out the MIT Enterprise Forum Northwest’s site we built!
It’s not too early to start thinking about what you need your next event web site to manage for you. In fact, we recommend getting started 9 to 15 months prior to your event.
Here are a few things we encourage you to consider:
- Event Registration
- Custom Payment Gateway
- Event Schedules
- Tradeshow Directory
- Attendee Directory
- Seating Charts
- Member Pricing
- Session Voting
- Personal Conference Schedules
- Trade Show Maps
- CRM Integration- Coordinate your team, vendors, attendees, speakers and more.
- Reporting Needs
If this is starting to overwhelm you, we’re here to help. Contact us today to get started!