Nonprofit Monthly Retained Hours

Same as our Monthly Retained Hours but for our not-for-profit customers.

We highly encourage our customers to budget a certain amount of time per month for ongoing development on their web sites. We believe the most effective web sites are ones that constantly evolve to better meet the needs of your business -- and help your business itself evolve to better serve your customers. This is a process, not a destination.

Because we work with dozens of web sites each year, we stay on top of current best practices, and can keep you in front of your competitors, getting more done, with more strategic assistance, for less than the cost of in-house staff.

If you are on one of our maintenance plans, and are willing to set aside a monthly amount for ongoing work, this is the plan for you! We offer nearly 20% off our regular rates, and set aside particular weeks to focus on your project. At the beginning of the week, we check in with you to see if any of your priorities have changed. During the week, we get your requests done. After the week, we give you a summary of how far we got, and set up the plan for the next time your week comes around!

Terms & Conditions:

a. Support contract hours accrue on a monthly basis starting on the date the contract begins and each month thereafter on the renewal date and will be used prior to use of initial development hours or hours purchased separately at the hourly rate.

b. Hours from support contracts are valid for only the calendar month in which they accrue and do not accumulate if unused.

c. Estimates shall be provided on the number of hours required to complete a given task. These estimates do not represent a bid or binding agreement to complete the work in the estimated number of hours and are provided solely for convenience and planning purposes.

d. The retainer amount is invoiced or automatically charged monthly, with payment due up front before work is performed, and requires at least 35 days of notice before decreasing the number of hours or cancellation.

e. Support calls and in-person meetings are billable for each Freelock employee involved.

f. Hours are calculated using each employee's "experience factor" and rounded up to the nearest 1/4 hour.
