Website Appraisal

Does your site deliver everything it should? How effective is your site at:

  • Bringing you new business?
  • Turning visitors into buyers?
  • Streamlining your operations?
  • Securing your data and reputation?
  • Delivering content with speed and snappiness?
  • Delighting users with how easy it is to use?

Freelock's Website Appraisal will give you answers to these questions, and provide a valuation for a website property.

It will also give you some recommendations on where you should pay attention next -- what are the biggest improvements that can be made, quickly? How much of a difference will these improvements make?

Also be sure to check out our other assessments -- this is our basic appraisal going over the big picture. If you have concerns around security, or would like a more thorough content strategy/keyword analysis, be sure to see our other offerings!

Give us a call to get started...
