
You don't need a new website. You need to make your current website more effective! How can you do that? There is no single answer -- websites are part of a larger system, and you need to consider many different aspects to make your site effective. We've been making websites since the start of the web, and know what makes them work -- as well as not work. Take what we have learned to make your site better!
Circuit board brain illustration with icons inside a circle.

Use AI to write alt text for your images

Hot off the presses! A brand new module, AI Image Alt Text, uses your configured AI engine to write Alt text for your images, based on AI vision models. When you turn this on, you get a "Generate with AI" button next to image fields, where you can easily get AI to analyze your image and come up with alternative text.

With some quick tests, I'm finding it's describing the image better than I typically do.

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User Experience

If you’re not a website developer, it’s hard to know what works and what doesn’t work on a website. You can get all the right information onto the pag

Embed or integrate? The problem with widgets

We hear it all the time:

Why do you recommend a 6 hour budget for a simple integration? Here's an embed widget right here -- if this were WordPress I could do it myself!

Well, in Drupal you can do it yourself, exactly the same way you might in WordPress. Add a block, use an input format that doesn't strip out Javascript, paste in your code, put the block where you want it on your page, and away you go.

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