Recurring payments with Ubercart and Drupal
Damon Cortesi ( @dacort ) over at Untitled Startup recently wrote up a summary of recurring payment services provided for startups.
Damon Cortesi ( @dacort ) over at Untitled Startup recently wrote up a summary of recurring payment services provided for startups.
There are basically 3 models for getting web applications built:
I get this question all the time: What's the difference between Drupal and Ruby on Rails, or another framework?
George asks, why is everybody talking about Twitter?
Ksenia asks, how difficult is it to move all our stuff from Media Temple to SliceHost? I want to be able to make changes on site any time myself.
We get a lot of questions about how to fight spam. For the most part, it's too late when it reaches your email program--but on the mail server, there are several tactics we employ to minimize what reaches your inbox.
No, it's not a misspelling. Symfony is a framework for rapid development of PHP web applications.
Jim asks:
First, a disclaimer. I use a $20 Samsung as my day-to-day phone. It does text messaging. It has a lame WAP web browser. It makes phone calls. It has a few games. That's about it. I'm a bit of a Luddite around smart phones, for a variety of reasons.
First, a disclaimer. I use a $20 Samsung as my day-to-day phone. It does text messaging. It has a lame WAP web browser. It makes phone calls. It has a few games. That’s about it. I’m a bit of a Luddite around smart phones, for a variety of reasons.
Patrick asks,
Why not OpenSuSE, instead of Ubuntu?
At Freelock, we provide a maintenance service contract to manage Linux servers. For a fixed monthly fee, we provide monitoring, system updates, application updates, and our help recovering anything that goes wrong with an upgrade. We’re looking at adding disaster recovery to the mix, raising the price to cover the cost of backing up all of the data and providing varying service level agreements on how soon we will recover your machine from a total loss. But for our base price, we only support Ubuntu and CentOS, with a preference for Ubuntu. So Patrick asks, why not OpenSuSE? Read my reply after the jump.