
Socialism, individualism, and open source

I just heard a Republican pundit on the radio talking about how Republicans are supposed to stand for individual efforts over taking care of others, and small government rather than large. He posited that Republicans had lost the election because they hadn't adhered to these core values.

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On taxes and barstool economics

A friend of mine posted a story on Facebook that purports to explain income taxes, with beer. This led to a long discussion largely in support of its conservative message. I've found it on a few forums, purportedly by David R. Kamerschen, Ph.D. Professor of Economics University of Georgia.

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SOAP, Web Services, and PHP

One of my projects in the past few weeks has been to put together a SOAP server for a client. So suddenly I've had to learn a lot of the nitty gritty details about what works and what doesn't...

While they're fresh, let me jot them down here. WARNING: Extremely technical content ahead.

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