
Open Atrium & Project Management Systems

At Freelock our project management tool of choice is Open Atrium

OpenAtrium is an online collaboration and task-management suite built on top of Drupal. Like Drupal, it is completely modular, so the feature set can be changed and expanded to meet the needs of a wide variety of applications. Out of the box it has support for case management, collaborative document editing, shared blog and microblog, and a variety of user-configurable dashboard views.

CRM & Business Solutions

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems, they sound so great! Setup a CRM, put all your contacts and clients in there, add some forms to your website and BOOM the money will just pour in.

Except that’s not how it happens.

Web Site Review

Have a Drupal website, and not sure what to do with it next? 
Having trouble implementing a module and need help? 
Worried about your security level and making sure it’s monitored?
Our Website Review is the place to start!

Have us run your website through our quality checklist. We'll find all the clutter in your modules, files, and views.

Open Source Consulting

Develop an Open Source IT Strategy

Businesses are increasingly interested in investigating and implementing Open Source technologies to help cut licensing costs, increase security, and stay ahead of their competition. Whether your organization is looking for web development using an Open Source platform, maintaining a Linux server, or simply exploring a shift towards the Open Source world, Freelock can help you navigate through the hundreds of options to ensure your systems are working for you.