Free/Open Source Software

You don't need a new website. You need to make your current website more effective! How can you do that? There is no single answer -- websites are part of a larger system, and you need to consider many different aspects to make your site effective. We've been making websites since the start of the web, and know what makes them work -- as well as not work. Take what we have learned to make your site better!
Choosing a path

Picking a technology for a client project

Aside from the technologies we choose to develop expertise in and market prominently, we can support a range of related technologies without much trouble. Given our experience and expertise, this means we’re comfortable in just about anything in PHP. If a client comes to us with an existing platform and want our support with it, we’re happy to provide it.
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What do you need to know about your website? What don't you don't know? Freelock's new Vision Plan covers a different topic each month, doing a deep-d

Website Effectiveness

Your website is up and running, but something's not quite right. It's not bringing in the results you expect -- and you're not exactly sure why.

You're not coming up in search. You have a lot of traffic, but nobody reaches out for your services. You struggle to post new content, it seems like it should be easier. You're worried about getting hacked. The website feels slow, and sometimes you can't even edit it. It takes a bunch of steps to add a new customer. You have no idea what to do next.

Hikers cross a bridge