When you need a reliable partner to keep your WordPress site secure, effective, and bringing in more business, you can rely on Freelock for help!
Clients for WordPress
Witness.org: Using Video to Document and Tell Stories
Witness.org is a Brooklyn-based non-profit that “…makes it possible for anyone, anywhere to use video and technology to protect and defend human rights.” Throughout the world, they have found many citizen journalists are “using video to document and tell stories…[but] are not filming safely or effectively.” Witness provides training and technology to use video as a vehicle to “protect and defend human rights” and to “create positive change in [their] communities.”
Seattle Humane Society
We began working with Seattle Humane Society in February of 2016. They had reached out to us because they needed some emergency help with their website. For some reason, their site was reverting to an old view display and completely broken. We were able to jump in, identify the problem, and resolve that day.
Posts related to WordPress

Drupal CMS: Making the easy stuff easy
In the past couple days I've gotten two different questions regarding building functionality out in WordPress. This seems a bit...weird with timing, given that Drupal CMS just launched three days ago!

The rising costs of site ownership
How much do you spend on your website? I'm not asking how much it cost you to create/build -- I mean day to day, what does it cost to own and maintain your site?
And what happens if you stop paying that?

3 different ways to progressively enhance your website
The world of the web has changed a ton over the past decade. Websites that show one page at a time with no animations or interactions can feel stale and outdated.

Technical Debt and CMS maintenance
As we onboard a slew of new clients due to our joining

WordPress vs Drupal is like Word vs Excel
Seems like every day this month I've answered the same question: Why should I use Drupal instead of WordPress? And this is the answer I've come up with. They are entirely different applications, about as different as Microsoft Word is from Microsoft Excel.

Layout Builders versus Content Management - are you making this mistake?
Glitzy websites are all the rage these days. Everybody seems to be looking for easy ways to create multimedia-rich pages with ease.

Ask Freelock: "Traditional hosts" vs "cloud providers"
A client asks about yet another hosting option:
The VPS-2000HA-S includes the following resources:
6GB RAM (burstable)
150GB SSD Disk space
5TB Monthly Bandwidth
4 free dedicated IP's

Basecamp moves from Medium to WordPress, and kinda misses the point
Software as a Service (SaaS) is all the rage these days.

What's up on Nerd Mountain? Wordpress 5.0 Makes Wordpress a "Layout Builder"--What Does that Mean?
Wordpress's most recent release, which they are calling "5.0" (catchy, huh?), comes with a bunch of new functionality and makes the solution "easier to use". Of course, I'm putting "easier to

WordPress reaches 5.0!
A major new release for WordPress dropped today -- perhaps the one with the biggest impact in WordPress history!
Should you upgrade?
Probably not just yet. At least not if you have content to publish.

Drupalgeddon2: Should I worry about critical security updates?
No, you should not. You should let us worry about them, and go back to your business.
Seriously, we're getting questions from all kinds of people about whether this matters. I'm a bit surprised that there is any question about that. Would you be concerned if your top salesperson was selling for somebody else? If your cashiers were jotting down credit card numbers when they charged a card? If your office became a well-known spot for illicit drug or gun dealers? If your office had a bunch of scammers squatting and running a pyramid scheme? If your confidential client information could be revealed as easily as using a bic pen on an old Kryptonite lock?
We've seen some variation of every single one of those scenarios. And all of them are possible with a remote code execution flaw in a web application, like yesterday's Drupal security vulnerability.
And yet people still

Another Wednesday, another round of security updates
Drupal security updates generally come out on Wednesdays, to try to streamline everybody's time. WordPress security notices come out... well, whenever whichever feed you subscribe to bothers to announce something.