
Drupal goes mobile

Mobile is hot right now. Most of our current clients are actively thinking about, if not proceeding with, mobile access to their web sites or building a mobile application. Guess what -- it turns out Drupal is a good platform for that, too!

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Why auto updates are a very bad idea

A question came across the Drupal Developer's list today asking whether Drupal could auto-update itself, like WordPress. As someone who thinks about security a lot, the very thought of this horrifies me.

It's a bad idea for several reasons, but the biggest reason:

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Is Drupal 7 ready?

Short answer: it depends.

We still do most of our projects in Drupal 6, mainly because it's been around a few years, and modules we use on many sites are not yet stable for Drupal 7 (and some are still a ways off).

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A question of risk

July 2011

How would losing your web site affect your business?

That might seem like a silly question, but a surprising number of small organizations don't think it can happen to them. Think again -- web sites get lost all the time, through a variety of means. The server hosting your site might have a hardware failure. Your site might get hacked. Your web developer might accidentally delete something critical. Your host might go out of business, leaving you stranded. If you're in the tech world, you hear about these incidents all the time.

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