One of our clients is Programming Librarian, a site for librarians to plan educational programs. Programs, like many events, are often seasonal, oriented around holidays and seasonal activities.

The site has a block for each month of the year, containing content for that month. It has a custom field for the month number.
For the home page, we used Drupal's Events, Conditions, and Actions (ECA) module to automatically combine the block for this month with the block for next month, as a new block. Then we were able to simply drop the combination block on the home page.
Now whenever you visit the home page, you always see this month and next month, and the staff don't have to think about changing this each month!
Could be achieved using date granularity
Seems like you could create the first block by listing all the events matching "NOW" with a granularity of month (the Smart Date module adds date granularity to views filters) and the second block could be similar but matching "+1 month". Entirely possible the site isn't using Smart Date, but thought I would point that out as an alternate solution.
Thanks for the suggestion,…
Thanks for the suggestion, and alternate solution! Hadn't noticed the granularity settings on the date filter...
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