TEDxRainier: Yes, and ...
Just back from attending TEDxRainier for the second time.
Just back from attending TEDxRainier for the second time.
I'm having a lot of discussions about CRM systems these days. What is CRM? To hear many talk about it, it's some magical program you buy and suddenly you start getting more business.
I have been interested in setting up clients with blog sites for a few years now and I know they really help drive business to your website. Any way you can continue to let your potential clients know how knowledgeable you are on your profession is a bonus.
Crowd-funding is a pet favorite topic of mine.
Customer Relationship Management. After the term being around for the past 15 years or so, it seems CRM is becoming a really hot thing right now.
Block and Tackle Businesses. That's what my father-in-law calls them, regular businesses that aren't going for sexy venture funding, but critical to a functioning economy. Businesses that perform a valuable function, and grow on their own revenue more than anything else.
Starting a sustainable business is like starting any other business in one way: you need some capital to get it off the ground. What differs between different kinds of businesses is how much you need. With a VC-backed business, often the goal is to make as big a splash as you can.
I read recently on Dan Shapiro's blog that VCs don't want to invest in profitable businesses, because it means they aren't necessary and don't have the bargaining power to negotiate as good
Not 2 weeks after my newsletter calling out how people take for granted that nothing bad will happen to their web sites, two of the biggest providers went down yesterday, Amazon and Akamai, in several separate incide
URLs are a critical part of all web sites, not just Drupal. However, in Drupal, the URL of a page determines a lot about how the page is built.
As the dust begins to settle across the tech industry from the recent acquisition of Sun Microsystems by rival Oracle, a number of projects in the Open Source community, including Drupal, will have major strategic decisions to make that could deeply impact their future success.
I was listening to the latest episode of LugRadio the other day, and they had a discussion on vendor lock-in by open source distribution companies.