Aggregate fields in Drupal 8 views
Views module has long been the killer feature of Drupal, making it easy for a site builder or skilled administrator to essentially create complex SQL queries through a web interface, without knowing SQL.
Views module has long been the killer feature of Drupal, making it easy for a site builder or skilled administrator to essentially create complex SQL queries through a web interface, without knowing SQL.
Come join us up on Nerd Mountain!
It's only taken two years since the release of Drupal 8 for us to get our own site updated... Cobbler's children and all. But finally, we are proud to unveil our shiny new site!
But wait, don't you tell your clients you don't need a new site?
We're nearing launch of two new Drupal Commerce sites, one of them being this one. It turns out Freelock.com has some relatively sophisticated commerce needs: some taxable products, some non-taxable products. Recurring subscriptions. Arbitrary invoice payments.
In the previous post on A custom quan
We're in the midst of a Commerce 2 build-out for a client, and a key requirement was to preserve their quantity pricing rules.
In September, Freelock was recognized as a leading web development company in Seattle by Clutch.
The corners of Drupal 8 that aren't there are quickly dwindling, but there are still some that need to get worked out. While upgrading our internal issue tracker, we hit a new one -- getting a group context set via a URL alias, and generally keeping posts within a group.
Memberships are not all the same. Some memberships last a lifetime, others last a year, or a month. Some memberships are for an individual, others for a couple, others for an entire family.