We're starting to build for Joomla 1.5. There are substantial differences between Joomla 1.0 and 1.5. Let's start with template design.Joomla 1.5 template cheat sheet
Haven't tracked down all issues--the main one is that you get a warning on the Category/Forum administration page. You can add categories and forums, but not see the ones you've created or select any from a list. We got part way by commenting out line 437 in administrator/components/com_fireboard/admin.fireboard.php:
//$list = mosTreeRecurse(0, '', array (), $children, max(0, $levellimit - 1));
... this function returns null, and appears to be the root of the problem.
Another issue was that somewhere there was a query to the _acl_aro tables, which had a slight schema change... the group one had changed its id column from 'group_id' to 'id', and this needed to be changed in one of the queries in two places. JEvents
This was the most problematic of all. It wouldn't successfully load or save its configuration file, and since the email address needs to be set before anything works, we had to solve this to get it to work.
Solution for that part was to add a couple methods to the EventConfig class, in administrator/components/com_events/lib/config.php, right before the end of the class definition, to set the namespace correctly:
/* override for Joomla 1.5, set the namespace to parameter /
function set($item, $val) {
return parent::set($item,$val,'parameter');
/ override for Joomla 1.5, set the namespace to parameter */
function get($item, $val=,$param=) {
$param = $param ? $param : 'parameter';
return parent::get($item,$val,$param);
There were some issues with the modules, as well. For mod_events_latest.php, we were able to get it working by using the Module parameters, overriding the component parameters.
For mod_events_legend.php, early in the file (line 42) a $params variable was set. Apparently this clobbers some global $params variable, which caused display to break. Fix was to change $params to $parms on line 42 and again on line 44. Other module notes
Modules apparently now need to echo their output, instead of just returning it. So a couple miscellaneous modules needed to have "echo $content" added at the end of processing.
We fixed another module that was relying on a $mosConfig_* variable by allowing global $mainframe; and then using $mainframe->getCfg('param');.